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Market Value

AI narrows the gap between ideas and execution. It lowers skill requirements and barriers to entry, and promises value creation that is faster, cheaper and better. This will impact labour and capital allocation in SMBs, large enterprises and technology vendors.

While value creation is accelerating, it remains unclear which layer of the stack will benefit the most from value capture.

However, there is an emerging set of beliefs in the market that AI infrastructure (foundation models, inference, observability, etc.) is very capital intensive, rapidly being commoditised as a low-margin utility, and converging to an oligopoly. Outside the hyperscalers and early adopters, it is also seen as the precursor to the real value waiting to be unlocked in mature applications over the next decade.

Hypothesis 1

The bulk of the Total Addressable Market for generative AI will reside in the application layer

Market Segment

The current AI landscape can be split into B2C and B2B segments, each tackling different challenges.

Segments B2C B2B
Value Personalised, multimodal interactions Reduces time and costs through workflow automation
Metaphors Products as dynamic conversations Digital assembly line: tireless and highly efficient
Opportunity Instant, adaptive consumer interfaces Domain specialised vertical solutions
Focus User experience Operational efficiency

B2B2C applications straddle both segments. Established products in this category should follow the money, prioritising efficiency over experience because automation benefits usually compound faster and have a more direct impact on revenue and cost.

Emerging Opportunities

Workflow Patterns

The following workflow patterns and timescales are emerging as trends in the market, with extremely compressed iteration cycles becoming the norm:

No. Timescale Trend Description
1 Now Speeding up user journeys Enhances efficiency of operations
2 Now Expanding user journey reach End-to-end vertical solutions for niche domains
3 Next Deep multi-step workflows Transforms siloed, light tasks to comprehensive solutions
4 Next Proactive automation Anticipates and automates needs and new workflows
5 Next Voice-first interactions Improves accessibility and simplifies user interface
6 Later AI-native solutions Integrates seamless, multimodal experiences in consumer and business domains
7 Later Autonomy Enables operations without human intervention
8 Later Personalised interfaces Adapts workflows to individual user preferences, improving user experience
9 Later Agent economies Creates networks of interacting, automated agents

Hypothesis 2

Vertical expansion with AI augmented, domain specific workflows is a scalable and durable competitive advantage for B2B and B2B2C

Workflow Startups

The workflow startup sector is booming with AI-first players:

Company Category Notes Interesting
Artisan Workflow automation Sales
Automaited Workflow automation Workflow factory to build automations with no code visually *
Automat Workflow automation Similar idea of record a process and automate it
Keyflow Workflow automation Canvas builder
Innkeeper AI Workflow automation Hotel management automation. Domain specific **
Questflow Workflow automation Something about blockchain and agent orchestration
Orby AI Workflow automation Auto generates automations *
Respell Workflow automation Canvas builder for automations with AI. Interesting but we can do better.
Tennr Workflow automation Medical practice specific. Nice initial screens **
Gumloop Workflow automation Components built out.
Lutra Workflow automation Seems weakly conceived with no strong vision
Warpdrive Workflow automation Desktop focused, well implemented and interesting auto workflow creation **
Luminai Workflow automation Decent user interface *
Paradigm Workflow automation Just a landing page
BrainBase Workflow automation Just a landing page Workflow automation Just a landing page
Delpha Workflow automation Interesting bit on deduplication
Genius Voice Workflow automation Boring chatbot
Timely Workflow automation Time tracking and assignment is interesting
Spoke Workflow automation Just summarises slack only. A feature not a product.
Super Data Extraction Nice on page demo. Overall solid extraction capabilities *
Bardeen Workflow Automation Magic box converting words into flows *
Browse AI Data Extraction Webscraping and monitoring without code
Kadoa Data Extraction Web scraping and monitoring
Layup Workflow Automation Boring interface and demo
Extend Data Extraction Very basic
Myko Workflow Automation Sales copilot
Weld Data Extraction SQL relevant AI data extraction
Minds Agent Assistants Semiconductor domain specific. But just a landing page with no explanation of how
Impel Agent Assistants Automative vertical solution end=to-end around AI **
Hyperwrite Agent Assistants Writing specific tools. Quite nice and granular. Pricing is ctoo high. *
Xembly Agent Assistants Good marketing. Average value assistants for meetings, tasks, calendar
Adept Agent Assistants Shitty landing page but huge funding round and technical blog hints so one to watch.
Embra Agent Assistants Basic low level task automation. Just a landing page really.
Lindy Agent Assistants No code combo of ChatGPT and Zapier.
Cognosys Agent Assistants Simplify workflows, Zapier-like
Taxy Agent Assistants Browser Based task planning and execution
Parcha Agent Assistants Fintech compliance focused. Very interesting and granular use cases. **
Induced Agent Assistants Some interesting ideas but horrible website. Variables. *
Reworkd Agent Assistants Zapier with agents
Simular Agent Assistants Terrible website
Zeta labs Agent Assistants Browser based agent. interesting marketing video. registered company autonomously
Autotab Agent Assistants Show a task and have it automated. Good marketing tiles for differetn sites
Multion Agent Assistants General purpose assistants
Quivr Agent Assistants Chat powered second brain
Jamix Agent Assistants Chat, search, etc. with AI assistance
AICogni Agent Assistants Voice first. Smartwatch App as well.
AISideKik Agent Assistants Personalised AI Agent marketplace
Poly Agent Assistants Very impressive voice first agents **

Education Management

Education management is a small category in today's edtech AI landscape, with learning and student experience innovation dominating market maps.

Education Market Map 1

In a survey of 285 companies, only a negligible number fell in this area, with relatively minor investments to date.


Education Market Table 1 Education Market Table 1 Education Market Table 1

Education Market Map 2


Education Market Map

While the focus on automation has been limited - and therein lies the opportunity - looking at related and slightly more mature domains such as AI in legal tech demonstrate that all kinds of automation and workflow improvements dominate the sector :



The maturity of AI in legaltech space is clear especially when considering that even established players like LexisNexis have advanced automation features in production already. IT Compliance is also an area of advanced, domain specific AI automation in which alot of opportunity is emerging: 6clicks

Edtech Opportunity

Hypothesis 3

The opportunity for automation related AI value creation and capture in edtech far outstrips its current footprint, with legal tech and IT compliance as reference models


  • smaller, local players like Accelerate, Wisenet
  • Medium domain competitors like Tribal, Techone
  • Larger global encroachers like Salesforce
  • international startups in the space?

Workflow Engines

Building and maintaining workflow engines from scratch requires substantial time and labour costs, measured in years not months. This is a deal-breaker in any competitive market, compounded in the generative AI space where iteration speed is orders of magnitude faster than traditional software engineering.

Workflow Automation Vendor Evaluation Criteria

Buying workflow automation tools, should start with the following set of evaluation criteria :

No. Criteria Definition
1 Velocity Quick to set up, fast to iterate
2 Flexibility Handles current (if-then) and future (AI) automation needs
3 Customisation Offers deep customisation and control for developers
4 Ownership Retains intellectual property within the company
5 Reliability Proven enterprise deployments and extensive support
6 Cost Affordable in setup and maintenance

Types of Workflow Vendors

No. Category Description
1 Orchestration Manages complex workflows and automates tasks across systems
2 ETL Specialised Focuses on Extract, Transform, Load processes for data integration
3 No Code Automation Allows automation without the need for coding, suitable for non-technical users
4 AI-Native Built with AI capabilities at the core to enhance automation
5 Business Process Management (BPM) ERP designed to improve corporate performance by managing business processes

Vendor Evaluation


Category Vendor Velocity Flexibility Customization Ownership Reliability Cost
Orchestration Apache Airflow
ETL Specialised AWS Glue
Azure Data Factory
No Code Automation Microsoft Power Automate
AI-Native UiPath
Relevance AI
Business Process Management (BPM) Appian


Adopt an orchestration framework as the foundation for automation and workflows


  1. Consumer abundance agenda
  2. Agent AI Infrastructure
  3. Market Map of productivity tools
  4. B2B AI Apps Part 1
  5. AI Voice Agents
  6. Prosumer Workflows
  7. Top 100 Consumer Gen AI Apps
  8. Future of Edtech
  9. A map of generative AI for education
  10. AI Marketing Automation
  11. AI Productivity for SMBs
  12. AI Legal Map
  13. Creative Content
  14. AI Agent Design Pattern Catalogue
  15. AI Education Map
  16. AI Companionship
  17. B2B AI Apps Part 2